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Current plan (VX) widget

The Current plan (VX) widget widget display information about the user’s current membership plan and user role.

Membership panel

Displays the following information:

  • Current plan name
  • Current plan price
  • Plan details: Information about renewal or cancel date
  • Cancel plan
  • Switch plan: Links to the Pricing page for that role
  • Configure plan: Links to the Configure plan page where user can increase the submission limits of that plan (if the plan supports it)
  • Stripe portal: Opens Stripe customer portal where customer can manage payment details, view invoices etc.

Role panel

Customer can view and switch to various roles you make available in your site.

Note: Some membership plans may not be available for certain roles. In those cases, customer will be redirected to the pricing page for the role they want to switch to, and is required to pick a plan. The role change will happen only after plan change is confirmed in that case.