Timeline (VX) widget
The Timeline (VX) widget can be used to add social activity to your site such as:
- Social activity timelines for Users or Posts.
- Public discussion or comments area
- Reviews for your Posts or Users
- Newsfeed area which displays social activity from sources you follow
Display modes
- Current author timeline
- Current post timeline
- Current post reviews
- Current post wall
- Logged in user newsfeed
Current author timeline
This mode displays status updates from the author of a profile or post. One of the primary uses is displaying it in user profile templates.
Other users can view activity and have permission to comment on status updates, but they can’t submit new status updates.

Current post timeline
This mode works similarly to current author timeline, but is intended to display activity from a specific post rather than its author.
For example status updates by a specific business listed on the site
The author of the post can create status updates on behalf of the post.
Other users can view and comment on status updates, however they cannot submit new status updates.

Current post wall
Current post wall allows you to create an open discussion area such as comments in a blog post or discussion area in a group.

Current post reviews:
This mode can be used to add a reviews area in a post, page or user profile.
It allows site members to submit status updates marked as reviews.
The scores are then calculated by Voxel and made available in Voxel dynamic tags so you can display them in various widgets depending on your design.
The available dynamic tags data:
- Total count
- Average rating
- Percentage
There’s also a dedicated widget to display review statistics named Review stats (VX) as seen in the screenshot below.

Logged in user’s newsfeed
The newsfeed mode can be used to create a newsfeed where status updates from all the sources you follow are displayed. Think of various social network newsfeeds (without algorithmic part)