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If you are contacting because a cat needs a new home/help, this text below is to help you. This is important and will help you when you contact any animal rescuer.
Most of the messages animal rescuers get make it very hard for rescuers to help the person sending them.
And when we get so many of them all day every day, the ones that are easiest to help of course get more help. Chances are you are also cutting and pasting your request to many other rescuers, so please use this advice there as well,
If you are asking for help with a cat or kitten needing a home . . say a lot more than “can you help a kitten or a cat, do yous have space”. That is absolutely useless. When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes with no images, no size, no location, no anything.
if you really want to help a cat find a home or be rescued, then provide details, this is what you need to provide.
Details basically, as much as you can. And this is what you need to send to every rescuer you have contacted. This will make a massive difference to your chances of helping an animal in need.
Also. And this is the hard thing that most people never understand. Sometimes the least effective place to contact when you want to rehome your cat is an animal rescuer.
Read that bit again.
Why? Because you are contacting someone who get hundreds of messages a day from other people also wanting them to take an animal in. So you are one in hundreds.
The best thing you can do is try to rehome yourself, as you are one person with one cat/dog. Not one person with hundreds of people needing help. Self support is faster and has a better outcome.
Lastly . .dont be rude or abusive. Volunteer rescuers dont have to help you, if you are abusive to them, they will just ignore you. they go through enough all day that they stopped caring long ago about emotional blackmail. the nicer you are the better your outcome.
So .. summary?
– Get photos. New ones.
– Location, who has them, where are they, how many. Basics.
– What you can do to help
– Any other information, urgency etc etc.
If you do that and send it to all the rescuers you can, then you are more likely to get help than someone who doesn’t.