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Sponsor the MKC and get straight into rescue

Regular donations are vital to the MKC and mean we can make immediate decisions and save lives. All sponsors are given access to our secret sponsors forum, special merchandise and naming rights to our inbounds.

Make a one off donation

Our charity status

The Mini Kitty Commune is a registered charity in Australia. We are licenced for fundraising Licence Number: CFN/23004

Licensee: Mini Kitty Commune Incorporated
Licence Status: Current. Licence Type: Charitable Fundraising
Start Date: 16/10/2013 Expiry Date: 15/10/2025
ABN: 69 348 678 275

The MKC is registered with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission) – Click here to see the registration and is a tax deductible gift recipient Click here to see the business registration and tax status

Where do your donations go?

We are a no kill organisation that helps hundreds of abandoned and neglected cats.100% of your donations go to the animals in vet bills, food, medical supplies and housing equipment.

We don’t have fancy offices, committees or expensive wages.We spend your donations solely on the cats and supporting the cats.

By donating or bequesting to the MKC, you can be sure your money goes to good use to helping those that cant help themselves.